Home Page

Browsing the various pages, you can find different kind of informations. There is a section where all the stages of the making of the resolza are described, with a rich photogallery. In the knives section, you can view some of the knives created by Giampiero Pizzadili; that section is splitted in two parts: the first, where there are the Traditional Knives, and the second, where there are the New Products, made with alternative materials. Moreover, in the about section, you can find some informations about Giampiero Pizzadili; he had not relatives involved in the knife's production, but however he is able to create handmade knives.
Besides there are more sections, where you can learn about the knife's history, the Pattada's village (environment and cuisine), the different types of materials used during the making of the Pattada's knife.
There is also a section dedicated to the Museum, that you can visit on the upper floor of the workshop: there are some some old tools ùused a long time ago during the lands'cultivation, as ploughs, sickles and more.
Have a nice navigation.